Biceps and Triceps Strengthening Exercises 

45 Degree Bent-Over Triceps

This exercise not only tightens and tones the triceps (muscles at the back of the arm) but it also challenges the muscles of the legs and torso.


Exercise Technique
1. Stand with feet together and a dumbbell in each hand.
2. Bend forward from the hips at a 45-degree angle, bend the knees and maintain a neutral spine (a straight spine with a natural curve in the lower back).
3. Bring elbows up until they are a little past your waist. This is your starting position.
4. Slowly straighten elbows backward with the palms facing the body.
5. Slowly return to starting position.
6. Do desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. This is an advanced exercise. Do it only if you have enough strength in the lower back to maintain a neutral spine, otherwise, you can injure your lower back.
2. Hold the arm and shoulders steady in position. Move only from the elbow.
3. Straighten the elbow fully but move slowly with control Avoid swinging the weight.

12 to 15 repetitions

45 Degree Bent-Over Upright Row

Firms and strengthens the muscles at the sides of the back and the rear of the shoulders. Your lower back and leg muscles are working also.

A pair of dumbbells.

Exercise Technique:
1. Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart.

2. Bend forward from the hips while keeping your back straight and knees slightly bent.

3. Your upper body should be at a 45-degree angle with the floor and your arms should hang down in line with your shoulders. Palms should be facing the back.
4. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and maintain that position throughout the entire exercise. This is your starting position.

5. Pull the dumbbells up until your elbows are at shoulder level or slightly below.
6. Slowly lower the weight back to starting position.
7. Repeat.

Performance Tips:

1. This is an advanced exercise and should only be done by individuals who have developed sufficient strength to maintain a straight spine with a natural curve in the lower back. A fair amount of flexibility is also needed in the hamstrings or back of the thighs.

2. It is very important to keep the shoulder blades squeezed together throughout the entire exercise, otherwise the back will be rounded.

3. Exhale as you pull the dumbbells upward; inhale as you return to starting position.

Do 12 to 15 repetitions.

Alternating Biceps Curl

Strengthens the front of the upper arms, the biceps.


Exercise Technique

  • Sit on the edge of a chair or bench with your feet flat on the floor. Keep torso erect with rib cage lifted and abdominals contracted.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing front, arms straight down and elbows close to the waist.
  • Bend your left arm to curl the dumbbell toward your shoulder, keeping your elbow still. Lower to starting position and repeat with your right arm.

Performance Tips

  • The exercise can be done while standing.
  • Keep your elbows at your side as you curl the arm.
  • Maintain good posture throughout the exercise. Avoid rocking back and forth.
  • Don’t bend your wrist. Keep it straight with your forearm.

12 to 15 repetitions. Rest. Do one or two more sets.

Bicep Curl on Stability Ball

Strengthens the biceps while challenging the “core” muscles.

Dumbbells and stability ball. Note: You can also do this exercise while seated on a bench or chair.

Exercise technique:
1. Sit on a stability ball with your feet flat on the floor. Keep torso erect with rib cage lifted and abdominals contracted.
2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing front, arms straight down and elbows closeto the waist.
3. Exhale as you bend your arms to curl the dumbbells toward your shoulder, keeping your elbows still.
4. inhale as you lower the dumbbells to starting position.

Performance tips:
1. Keep your elbows “glued” at your side as you curl the arm.
2. Don’t bend your wrist. Keep it straight with your forearm.
3. Maintain good posture throughout the exercise. Avoid rocking back and forth.


Do 12 to 15 repetitions.

Bicep Curl with Tubing

Strengthens the biceps, muscles at the front of the upper arm.

Surgical tubing or special exercise tubing. Buy a length of tubing that is appropriate for your height. You can buy surgical tubing in drug stores or medical supply stores.

Exercise Technique

  • Stand in the middle of the tubing with feet shoulder width apart.
  • If your tubing doesn't have handles, wrap the tubing lightly a few times around your hands.
  • Keep your arms beside your hips.
  • Squeeze your biceps and pull the tubing upwards. This is called curling the arm.
  • Slowly lower.

Performance Tips

  • Keep your elbows steady at your sides as you curl the arm.
  • Keep in control of the tubing as you straighten your arm. Don't allow the tubing to jerk your arm downward.
  • Keep your back straight. Avoid rocking back as you curl the arm.
  • Avoid wrapping the tubing very tightly around your hand. You can cut off blood supply temporarily.

One set equals 12 to 15 repetitions. Do one to three sets. Rest in between sets.

Concentration Bicep Curls

This exercises focuses on the biceps, the muscles in the front of the upper arm.

Bench or stool and dumbbells.

Exercise Technique

  1. Sit on at the edge of a bench or stool with your legs separated, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Holding a dumbbell in your right hand, lean forward from the hip and place your right arm above the elbow against the inner thigh.
  3. Brace yourself by holding your left thigh with your left hand.
  4. Curl the dumbbell by tightening and contracting your bicep.
  5. Slowly lower the dumbbell and repeat until you finish the desired number of repetitions.
  6. Repeat on the other hand.

Performance Tips

  1. Lean forward from the hip. Avoid rounding your back.
  2. Your legs should be separated far enough that you have freedom of movement with the dumbbell.
  3. Avoid bending your wrist as you curl the dumbbell.
  4. Perform the exercise slowly. Avoid using momentum to swing the dumbbell up and down.
  5. Keep your shoulders and trunk steady as you perform the curls.
10 to 15 repetitions

Double Triceps Kickback

This exercise not only tightens and tones the triceps (muscles at the back of the arm) but it also challenges the muscles of the legs and torso.


Exercise Technique

  1. Stand with the feet together and a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Bend forward from the hips, bending the knees and maintaining a neutral spine (a straight spine with a natural curve in the lower back).
  3. Bring elbows up until it is a little past your waist. This is your starting position.
  4. Slowly straighten elbows backward with the palms facing the body.
  5. Slowly return to starting position.
  6. Do desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips

  1. Only do this exercise if you have enough strength in the lower back to maintain a neutral spine, otherwise, you can injure your lower back.
  2. Maintain the position of the body throughout the exercise.
  3. Hold the arm and shoulders steady in position. Move only from the elbow.
  4. Straighten the elbow fully but avoid over-straightening or "locking" the elbow.
  5. Move slowly. Avoid swinging the weight backwards and forwards.
12 to 15 repetitions per set. One to three sets as desired.

Hammer Curls

This variation of the basic biceps curl works the muscles in the front of the upper arm.



Exercise technique

1. Stand with feet roughly shoulder width apart, arms at your side with your palms facing each other.
2. Curl the dumbbells toward your shoulders while keeping your torso still.
3. Lower the dumbbells slowly.

Performance tips

1. Keep your palms facing each other.
2. Keep your abdominal muscles tight as you lift and lower the dumbbells.
3. Don’t allow your torso to lean forward or backward during the exercise.


Do eight to 12 repetitions. One to three sets. 

Knee-Supported Bicep Curl

Strengthens the biceps

Dumbbells and exercise mat.

Exercise Technique
1. Hold a dumbbell with your right hand. Place your elbow on your knee. Hold your elbow steady with the opposite hand.
2. Starting position is with the dumbbell facing the ceiling.
3. Extend your arm. Return to starting position.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Rest opposite hand on your knee and cup your elbow to keep the arm steady and supported in the extended position.
2. Inhale when you straighten your arm; exhale when you curl it.
3. Don’t try to straighten your arm completely if you feel discomfort in your elbow.

Do 10 to 15 repetitions per arm.

Narrow Pushup

Strengthens the chest and triceps (muscles at the back of the arms). Pushups done with the hands in a narrow position strengthen the triceps more than traditional pushups with a wider hand position.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  1. Face the exercise mat in an "all fours" position (hands and knees). Bring your knees together and cross your ankles. Move your hands forward until your body is at a slanted angle. Make sure arms are directly under your shoulder joint.
  2. Move your hands together so your thumbs and index or pointing finger touch. The space in between your hands should look like a triangle.
  3. Keeping your abdominals tight, slowly lower your body towards the floor.
  4. Exhale as you push yourself up.
  5. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips

  1. Do not allow your lower back to sag. Keep abdominals tight all throughout.
  2. More advanced exercisers can do the pushup on their toes instead of knees.
  3. If you have wrist problems, avoid this exercise.
  4. Use the contraction of your chest and triceps to push you off the floor instead of just pushing with your palms and wrists.

Do eight to twelve repetitions. One or two sets.

Overhead Triceps Press

THIS exercise strengthens the back of the arms (triceps), which tends to become soft and flabby in most women

Dumbbells and a gym stool.

Exercise Technique 
  • Sit on a gym stool.
  • Hold a dumbbell with both hands and place it above and behind your head, elbows straight.
  • Bend elbows, lowering dumbbell behind but close to the head.
  • Keep the shoulders relaxed; don't let them hunch upward.
  • Avoid moving the elbows; keep them near the sides of your head as lower and raise the dumbbell.

Performance Tips

  • Keep elbows slightly bent, not locked, when you straighten your arms.
  • When arms straighten to lift the weight, pull in the abdominal muscles to avoid arching the lower back.
  • Hold the dumbbell securely, especially when it is overhead. The last thing you want is to drop it on your head or toes.
  • Keep knees slightly bent to avoid overarching the back.
  • If this bothers your back, stop doing the exercise.

8to 15 repetitions. Rest. One to three sets.


Overhead Triceps Press with Rubber Band

Tightens and tones the triceps, or back of the arms.

Three to four foot rubberband. You can use brand name rubber bands (Dynaband or Exertube) or homemade exercise rubberbands for slingshots can be bought at hardware stores


  1. Stand with left foot infront and right foot behind for balance.
  2. Hold the rubber band at one end with your right hand. Bring it over your head and let it hang behind you. Hold the other of the rubber band with your left hand behind your back.
  3. Straighten your right arm as you pull the band upward.
  4. Slowly lower to the start position.
  5. Do the desired number of repetitions, and then repeat on the other side.

Performance tips:

  1. If you have shoulder or elbow problems, do not do this exercise.
  2. To avoid hurting your wrist joint, make sure your knuckles are facing the ceiling when you pull the band upward.
  3. Keep abdominal muscles lightly contracted to maintain a stable position for your spine.
  4. Avoid jerking or moving rapidly. Always move slowly and with control.

Do 12 to 15 repetitions. One or two sets.  

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Partner Tricep / Bicep with Rubberband

Strengthens both the biceps (front of the arm) and the triceps (back of the arm)

One pair of three to five feet long rubber bands that you can purchase at sporting good stores. You can make your own by buying rubber bands used for slingshots at a hardware store or market. You can also use surgical tubing, which you can buy at a drugstore. If you need to shorten the band for more tension, make sure to loop it loosely around your hand. Always check your rubber band for tears before using it. As you get stronger, you can use two rubber bands instead of one.


  1. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent while facing your partner. You will need only one rubber band between you and your partner.
  2. Hold the ends of the rubber band in each hand with your palms facing each other and elbows bent. Your partner will place his/her hands on the middle portion of the rubber band with the palms facing down and elbows straight. This is the starting position. Make sure there is already tension in the rubber band.
  3. As you push down on the rubber band to straighten your elbows, your partner should simultaneously pull up and bend his/her elbows.
  4. Continue in this see-saw manner until you have done the desired number of repetitions. Rest. Then switch positions so you are now holding the middle portion of the rubber band while your partner is holding the ends.

Performance tips:

  1. Straighten your elbows to feel the full contraction in the triceps muscle. However, take care not to over straighten or "hyper extend" to the point that your elbow joint curves backward.
  2. Keep your shoulders steady and your elbows at waist level. Do not allow your elbows to rise higher than your waist.
  3. Focus on maintaining an even tension on the rubber band by working in sync with your partner.
  4. Breathe regularly and evenly throughout the exercise.
  5. Keep your abdominal muscles tightened so you can maintain your balance.

Do one set of 12-15 repetitions. Rest. Change hand positions and do another set.

Rubberband Standing Tricep Kickback

Tightens and tones the triceps, muscles at the back of the arm.

Brand name exercise rubber bands (Dynaband or Exertube) or home-made exercise rubber bands (surgical tubing that can be bought at drugstore or rubber bands used for slingshots).

Exercise Technique

  1. Stand with your feet together, knees bent and leaning forward from the hip.
  2. Anchor one end of the rubber band against the right side of your chest with your left hand. Hold the other end with your right hand.
  3. Bend your right elbow and keep your arm steady against the side of your body.
  4. Contract the triceps muscle to straighten your elbow pulling rubber band behind you.
  5. Control the stretch of the rubber band as you bend your elbow back to the starting position.

Performance Tips

  1. Keep both shoulders facing the front. Do not allow your trunk to twist sideways as you pull the rubber band behind you.
  2. Move slowly and with control. Do not jerk or yank the band.
  3. Start the movement by squeezing the muscle rather than pulling with the hand.
  4. Keep your wrist in line with your forearm to protect the small muscles and ligaments in the joint. Do not allow your wrist to bend as you pull the band backwards.
  5. If your rubber band is long, wrap it loosely several times around your hand. Avoid making it so tight that it cuts of your blood supply.
  6. Keep your abdominal muscles tight so your back remains straight as you bend forward from the hips.

Do anywhere from 12 to 20 repetitions per arm. Rest. Do one or two more sets if you want to.

Standing Triceps Kickback

Firms up the muscles at the back of the arms.

A pair of dumbbells

Exercise Technique:

  1. Start with feet hip width apart and a dumbbell in your left hand.
  2. Place your right foot in front of you.
  3. Bend your right knee and lean forward from the hips. Place your right hand on your right thigh for support.
  4. With your left elbow bent, hold the dumbbell close to your body. The elbow should be facing the back and your knuckles should point down to the floor.
  5. Maintain this position and straighten your left arm behind you.
  6. Bend elbow back to starting position.
  7. Do the desired number of repetitions, then switch foot and arm position. Repeat with your right arm.

Performance Tips:

  1. Make sure to keep your back straight and not rounded as you lean forward from the hips.
  2. Keep your chest lifted and contract your abdominal muscles throughout the entire exercise.
  3. Start the movement by squeezing the triceps, rather than flinging the dumbbell backward.
  4. Keep the elbow lifted and facing the back all throughout.
  5. Avoid jerking your elbow joint as you straighten the arm.

If you want firmer but not bigger muscles, use a weight light enough that you can finish 15 to 20 repetitions. Do one to three sets.
If you want firmer and bigger muscles, use a weight heavy enough that you can only do 8 to 12 repetitions. Do one to three sets.

Standing Triceps with Rubberband

Firms up the muscles at the back of the arms

Brand name exercise rubber bands (Dynaband or Exertube) or home-made exercise rubber bands (surgical tubing that can be bought at drugstore or rubber bands used for slingshots).


  1. Place your left foot on top of one end of the rubberband. Place your right leg behind you.
  2. Hold the other end of the rubberband with your right hand.
  3. Bend your left knee and lean forward from the hips. Place your left hand on your left thigh for support.
  4. Slowly pull on the band pointing your elbow backward. Keep your arm close to the side of your body. This is your starting position.
  5. Straighten your right arm as you focus on contracting the triceps muscle. Return to the starting position.
  6. Do the desired number of repetitions, then switch foot and arm position

Performance tips:

  1. Make sure to keep your back straight and not rounded as you lean forward from the hips.
  2. Keep your chest lifted and lightly contract your abdominal muscles throughout the entire exercise.
  3. Start the movement by squeezing the triceps, rather than jerking the band backward.
  4. Keep the elbow lifted and facing the back all throughout.
  5. Avoid jerking your elbow joint as you straighten the arm.
  6. Watch that your wrist stays aligned with your forearm. Avoid curling your wrist forward or backward as you pull on the band.

If you want firmer but not bigger muscles, use a band or tube light enough that you can finish 15 to 20 repetitions. Do one to three sets. If you want firmer and bigger muscles, use two or more tubes so that you can only do 8 to 12 repetitions before your muscle get tired. Do one to three sets.

Supine Triceps Extension

Firms the muscles in the back of the arms (triceps).

Dumbbells and an exercise mat.

Exercise Technique:

  • Lie on your back, with knees bent and feet on the floor.
  • Hold one dumbbell in the right hand. Bring it straight on top of you, bend the elbow, and hold the right arm (on the triceps) with the left hand to keep the shoulder steady.
  • The elbow of the working arm should be facing the ceiling. Starting and ending position should be with the elbow bent.
  • Concentrate on squeezing the triceps muscle as you straighten the elbow.
  • Slowly bend the elbow.

Performance Tips:

  • Keep the elbow facing the ceiling.
  • Think of your triceps as a sponge; squeeze the water out of that muscle with each contraction.
  • Straighten the elbow to fully contract the triceps, but watch out for locking or jerking the elbow joint.
  • If you use a weight that's too heavy, you will not be able to straighten the elbow fully. If you use a weight that too light, the exercise will be too easy.
  • You can do the one-arm or two-arm variations. The one-arm variation is perfect for beginners. The two-arm variation is more appropriate for stronger individuals.
  • In the two-arm variation, avoid moving the whole arm back and forth. Hold the shoulders steady while straightening the elbow.
  • If your shoulder or elbow joints hurt while doing this exercise, stop.

If you want a bigger triceps muscle, use a weight that will allow you to do six to eight repetitions before the muscle gets fatigued. Rest. Do two more sets if you wish.
If you want tighter toned triceps without increasing in size, use a weight that will allow you to finish 12 to 15 repetitions before the muscle gets tired. Do one or two more sets.

Supine Triceps Extension on Stability Ball

This exercise firms up the triceps or muscles at the back of your arms, "core" muscles (abs, trunk, lower back) as well as the buttocks and hamstrings.

Stability ball, dumbbells. A gym bench can be used as a substitute for the ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Start by sitting on the ball with the dumbbells held close to your chest with your arms bent (not shown).
2. Move your feet forward as you simultaneously lower your upper body until you are in a table-top position with your buttocks in line with your shoulders.
3. Take your arms overhead with the palms facing each other. Slowly bend your elbows. This is your starting position.
4. Without moving your shoulders, straighten your arms as you exhale. Inhale as you bend the elbows back to starting position.
5. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance tips
This is an exercise that should only be attempted by someone experienced in using a stability ball.

To protect yourself, use a ball that is anti-burst, meaning a ball that will deflate slowly if punctured and will not suddenly collapse under you.

Use a reasonable amount of weight. This exercise is not meant for very heavy weights. Emphasis is on control and challenge of the core.

Keep your buttocks contracted so hips stay level with the shoulders.

Straighten your arms slowly and with control. Avoid jerking the dumbbells and "locking" your elbows.

Do 12-15 repetitions, one or two sets.

Triceps Dip

Strengthens and firms the back of the arm.

Gym bench or chair.

Exercise Technique
1. Place your hands on the edge of a gym bench or chair.
2. Keep your arms close to your body with your knuckles pointing straight ahead.
3. Bend your knees so your thighs and lower legs form slightly more than a 90-degree angle.
4. Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body.
5. Straighten the elbows to raise the body up.

Performance Tips
1. Inhale on the way down; exhale as you lift up.
2. Don’t allow the elbows to flare out to the sides as you lower and raise the body.
3. Don’t allow your chest and ribs to collapse as you lower your body down.
4. Don’t use your legs and feet to push your body upward.
5. The farther your body is from the bench, the longer and heavier your body becomes and the harder the triceps have to work. If you need to lighten the load, keep your body close to the bench.
6. Avoid this exercise if you have problems with your shoulder or wrist joints.

Start with as many as you can do. Work up to 8 to 12 repetitions.

  Triceps Dips on Stability Ball

This exercise uses your body weight as resistance to strengthen the triceps or muscles at the back of the arm. It also challenges your trunk and leg muscles.

Stability ball. A chair or gym bench can be used as a substitute.

Exercise Technique
1. Sit at the edge of the ball with your feet under your knees and your hands a little behind your hips with your palms facing down. Your elbows should be bent.
2. Straighten your elbows and swing your hips slightly forward.
3. Return to the starting position by bringing your hips back on the ball and bending your elbows.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Exhale as you straighten your elbows; inhale as you return to starting position.
2. Focus on contracting your triceps instead of just pressing your hands down on the ball.
3. Fully straighten your elbows but avoid hyperextending them. Move with control. Do not jerk or snap your elbow joint.

12 to 15 repetitions.

Triceps Kickback

This exercise is good for firming up the back of the arm which tends to be flabby in most people, women especially. It can be done in a gym or at home on a firm bed or couch.



  1. Hold a dumbbell in your left hand and place your right knee on a bench. Lean forward and place your right hand on the bench for support.
  2. Your left foot should be flat on the floor and left knee slightly bent. Your torso should be parallel to the floor.
  3. Bend your left elbow and place your upper arm along your side, forearm hanging straight down.
  4. Maintaining this position, straighten elbow behind you until arm is parallel to the floor. Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

Performance Tips:

  1. Keep back straight and facing the ceiling.
  2. Keep both shoulders facing the floor so your spine is not twisted to one side.
  3. Keep your neck in line with your spine instead of hanging your head down.
  4. Use the contraction in the back of your arm to straighten your elbow. Avoid jerking or "locking" your elbow joint.

To tone and tighten the muscle, use a weight light enough to be able to finish 15 repetitions. Do one to three sets. To make the muscle larger, use a weight heavy enough to e able to only finish eight repetitions. Do one to three sets.

V-Sit with Dumbbell Hammer Curl

This exercise strengthens the biceps, forearms, abdominal and lower back muscles as well as the quadriceps, muscles in the front of the thighs. It also develops balance.

Exercise mat and dumbbells.

Exercise Technique
1. Sit with knees bent, legs together, feet flat on the mat, and a dumbbell in each hand.
2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lean backwards. Arms are slightly bent and the palms are facing each other.
3. Exhale as you curl the dumbbells to your shoulders; inhale as you lower them.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Keep your abdominal muscles tight with your back straight as you lean backwards. Avoid slouching. Your abdominals and lower back are working as stabilizers to maintain the position of your trunk.
2. This is an advanced exercise. Beginners should avoid it.
3. If you feel pain on in lower back or tailbone (coccyx), avoid this exercise.

Do 10 to 15 repetitions

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