Hip Strengthening Exercises 

Front, Side, Back Side Leg Lift

This series of exercises firms the front, side, and back of the thighs.

Optional: A sturdy piece of furniture to hold for balance. When you get stronger, use ankle weights.

Exercise Technique
1. Start with your right leg extended in front of you with toes touching the floor.
2. In one smooth controlled move, lift and lower your leg ten times.
3. Repeat the exercise lifting your leg sideways and backwards.

Performance Tips
1. 1. Exhale as you lift your leg; inhale as you lower.
2. Lift only as high as you can without rounding or arching your back.
3. Take one second to lift and one second to lower.
4. When lifting to the side: Keep your toes and knee facing forward.
5. Keep your supporting leg slightly bent if you feel it is uncomfortable to keep your knee straight.

Ten repetitions per side

Kneeling Side Kick

This Pilates-inspired exercise strengthens the shoulder, trunk, hip, buttocks, front and back of the thighs while simultaneously stretching the buttocks, and front and back of the thighs.


Exercise Mat

Exercise Technique:

  • Kneel on a mat with your legs together. Extend your right leg to the side and place your right hand behind your head.
  • Slowly lower yourself down and place your left hand on the mat.
  • Lift your right leg to hip level.
  • Flex your foot and slowly bring your leg forward, then point your foot and slowly bring your leg backward. This is one repetition.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions. Slowly straighten up.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Performance Tips:

  • Inhale as you bring the leg forward; exhale as you bring the leg backward.
  • Move slowly and consciously. Do not swing the legs front to back in a fast motion.
  • Stabilize your torso by keeping your abdominal muscles contracted as you bring the leg forward and backward. If you are properly stabilized, the shoulder and elbow of the top arm will not move.
  • Check that your elbow is facing the ceiling to make sure that your spine is not bending forward or backward.
  • This is an advanced exercise. Modify it by lying on your side.


Do five to ten repetitions on each side

Kneeling Side Leg Lift

This Pilates-inspired exercise strengthens the shoulder, trunk and hip muscles.

Exercise Mat

Exercise technique:

  • Kneel on a mat with your legs together. Extend your right leg to the side and place your right hand behind your head.
  • Slowly lower yourself down and place your left hand on the mat.
  • Lift your right leg to hip level and slowly lower down.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions. Slowly straighten up and repeat on the other side.

Performance tips:

  • Keep your torso steady as you lift and lower your leg.
  • Keep your elbow facing the ceiling to make sure that your spine is not bending forward or backward.
  • Exhale as you lift the leg; inhale as you lower.
  • This is an advanced exercise. Modify it by lying down on your side.

Do ten repetitions (five with the foot pointed and five with the foot flexed.

Pilates Kneeling Side Leg Lift with Circles

This Pilates-inspired exercise strengthens the the shoulder, trunk and hip muscles.

Exercise mat

Exercise Technique
1. Kneel on a mat with your legs together. Extend your right leg to the side and place your right hand behind your head.
2. Slowly lower yourself down and place your left hand on the mat.
3. Lift your right leg to hip level and make five circles forward, then five circles backward.
4. Slowly straighten up and repeat on the other side

Performance Tips
1. Keep your torso steady as you make the circles.
2. Keep your elbow facing the ceiling to make sure that your spine is not bending forward or backward.
3. Breathe normally as you make the circles.
4. This is an advanced exercise. Modify it by lying down on your side.

Do five to 10 circles forward, then five to 10 circles backward. 

Rubber Band Sidestep

Firms and tightens the muscles of the hip.

Exercise rubber band (DynaBand or ExerRing). Long flat rubber bands that are used for tying pipes or faucets are a good substitute.

Exercise Technique

  1. Tie the rubber band in such a way that it forms a circle around your ankles. The circle should be short enough that when you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, there is tension on the band. However, it should be long enough that you will be able to move one leg to the side.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on hips and abdominal muscles tight. This is your starting position.
  3. Keeping your toes facing forward and your shoulder and hips square (not twisting sideways), take a step to your right with your right foot.
  4. Bring the foot back to your starting position. Do the desired number of repetitions on the same side.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

Performance Tips

  1. Use the muscles of your hip to step sideways while keeping your feet, shoulders and hips facing front.
  2. Keep abdominal muscles tight.
  3. Keep knees slightly bent to keep your balance and avoid knee joint injury.
  4. Keep your weight centered between your legs both in the starting position and as you step to the side.

Side-Lying Outward Rotation

Shapes the hip (gluteus medius and minimus), the sides of the buttocks (gluteus maximus), and the external rotators of the hip (small muscles deep inside which help strengthen the hip joint).


  1. Lie on side, top leg straight and bottom leg bent for support.
  2. Head is resting on forearm, hips and shoulders are facing forward.
  3. Lift top leg as high as possible without rolling backward, keeping toes and knees facing forward.
  4. Hold leg position and rotate hip without rolling backward until toes point up to the ceiling.
  5. Turn toes back to the front and lower leg to starting position.

Performance Tips:

  1. Maintain body position of hips and shoulder facing front throughout the whole exercise.
  2. If you have a pain in the hip joint while you rotate the leg, please avoid this part of the exercise.
  3. Use ankle weights of 1 - 5 pounds as you get stronger for more of a challenge.

Do 15 repetitions on each leg. Rest. Do one or two more sets if you so desire.

Standing Airplane

This exercise strengthens and firms up hips & thighs, challenges core stability, and improves balance.


Exercise Technique
1. Stand with your legs slightly apart and your arms extended out at shoulder level.
2. Take one foot behind on the floor then slowly lean forward from the hip. Lift your leg behind you and keep your supporting knee slightly bent. This is your starting position.
3. Carefully reach down with arm, return to the starting position, then reach with your other arm just like an airplane dipping its wings from side to side.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. This is an advanced exercise. Beginners can start by just holding their arms steady to develop balance and strength in the legs.
2. Be aware of keeping the knee joint steady to avoid having the knee pushing too far inwards or outwards.
3. Keep your abdominal muscles lightly held in to stabilize your trunk.

Do 5 - 10 repetitions per leg.

Side Leg Lift

This exercise tightens and tones muscles in the hip and buttocks. The muscles of the leg you stand on while doing the exercise are also being strengthened.

For greater resistance, use ankle weights or tie a rubber band above your knees (easier) or around your ankles (harder).

Exercise Technique:

  • Stand with your hands on your hips and with your right leg out to the side.
  • Lift your leg.
  • Slowly lower it down to starting position.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions, then switch sides.
  • Optional: Before switching to the other side, hold the leg in lifted position and do 10 short quick pulses.

Performance Tips:

  • Keep your toes and knee facing forward. If you rotate your leg and the toes and knee are facing the ceiling, you will work the front of the thighs instead of the hip.
  • If you need to, use a wall or chair for balance.
  • Avoid swinging the leg sideways. Move slowly by contracting the muscle first.
  • Keep your shoulders facing forward throughout the exercise. Avoid rotating at the waist.

Do 10 repetitions on each leg.

Side Leg Lift on Stability Ball

This exercise firms and tones the muscles of the hips.

Stability ball and exercise mat. As a substitute, you can do the exercise at the side of a bed.

Exercise Technique
1. Start by kneeling down with the ball on your left side. Extend your right leg sideways. Slowly roll the ball to the left and lower your body until your waist and hip are resting firmly against the ball. This is your starting position.
2. Lift your right leg up to hip level, then lower it down. Do the desired number of repetitions.
3. To switch to the other side, bend your extended right leg and roll yourself back into a kneeling position. Put the ball on your other side and repeat the instructions.

Performance Tips
1. Avoid sinking into your shoulder. Pull yourself up and away from your elbow.
2. Exhale as you lift the leg; inhale as you return it to starting position.
3. If you are used to doing side leg lift lying on the floor, you will notice that this exercise is harder to perform. That's because of the angle that the exercise is performed, which increases the range of motion of the lifting leg.

Do 10 repetitions on each side.

Side Leg Lift with Rubber band

This exercise tightens and tones muscles in the hip and buttocks. The muscles of the leg you stand on while doing the exercise are also being strengthened

Rubberband tied above the knees

Exercise Technique

  • Stand holding a wall or back of a sturdy chair if you feel you need help you're your balance.
  • Lift your right leg sideways to about 45 degrees.
  • Slowly lower down.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions, then switch sides

Performance Tips

  • Keep the toes and knee of the leg you are lifting facing forward. If you rotate your leg so the toes and knee are facing the ceiling, you will work the front of the thighs instead of the hip.
  • If you are using a wall or chair to steady your balance, hold it lightly and avoid leaning into it.
  • Avoid swinging the leg sideways. Move slowly by contracting the muscle first.
  • Keep your shoulders facing forward throughout the exercise. Avoid rotating at the waist.

Do ten to twelve repetitions per leg. This equals one set. Do one to three sets.

Side Leg Lift with Inward Rotation

Firms and tones the hip muscles.


Exercise mat and ankle weights (optional).


1. Lie on your side with one arm under your head, the other arm on the floor for balance, and both knees bent in a 45- degree angle.
2. Inwardly rotate your top leg so that the knee is almost touching the floor and the sole of your foot is facing the ceiling.
3. Straighten your leg in line with your torso and higher than hip level.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions then do the other side.

Performance tips:

1. Avoid pulling your knee towards your chest. To make sure that you have doing it right, your knee should be almost touching the floor and your foot pointing to the ceiling.
2. Avoid using jerky sudden movements. Use slow deliberate moves so the hip muscles have to work harder.


Do 15 to 20 repetitions per side.

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