Lower Back Stretching Exercises 

Cat Back Stretch

Increases mobility of the spine and stretches upper and lower back muscles.

Exercise mat

Exercise Technique
1. Begin on all fours with knees under hips and hands under shoulders.
2. Extend head and neck in a straight line.
3. Contract your abdominal muscles by pulling your navel to your spine. Round your back upward as high as you can while you tilt your pelvis inward and drop your head.
4. Hold for the desired length of time.
5. Release the abdominal contraction and allow your spine to arch slightly as you bring your head up again.

Performance Tips
1. Squeeze shoulder blades together when you arch the spine.
2. Keep breathing as you hold the stretch.

You can do a static stretch by holding for ten to fifteen seconds or do a dynamic stretching exercise by rounding and releasing the back ten times.

Knee to Chest Stretch

Stretches the buttocks and lower back muscles. Good for relieving tension and tightness in the lower back.

Exercise mat

Exercise Technique

  1. Lie face up on a mat.
  2. Bring your right knee to your chest while keeping the left leg straight.
  3. Gently press your knee to your chest as you feel the stretch in the buttocks and lower back.
  4. Hold for ten to fifteen seconds.
  5. Repeat on other leg.

Performance Tips

  1. Keep breathing as you hold the stretch.
  2. You can bring both knees to your chest if you want to.
  3. For a deeper stretch in the back muscles, lift your head up to almost touch your knee.

Letter C Stretch

Stretches the lower back, back of the shoulders and wrists.


Exercise Technique

  1. The exercise can be done while standing or sitting.
  2. Clasp your hands together, turn your wrists over so palms are facing forward. Straighten your arms.
  3. Pull your abdominal muscles in towards your belly button creating a "C" shape with your spine.
  4. Continue pulling your arms forward as you pull backwards with your abdominal muscles.
  5. Hold the stretch for ten seconds.

Performance Tips

  1. If you are standing, bend your knees.
  2. Avoid collapsing the spine into a slouch position. Actively contract the abdominal muscles to curve the spine.

Middle and Lower-back Stretch

This is a great stretch to do while working at your desk. Do it throughout the day when you feel tension in the lower back.



  1. While sitting on a chair, lean forward with your hand between your knees.
  2. For a greater stretch, move your arms toward the back of the chair's legs.
  3. Hold for 10 seconds to feel the 'stretch' in your middle and lower portions of your back.
  4. To return, put elbows on your knees and push up.

Performance tips:
If you have high or low blood pressure, avoid this stretch.


Repeat throughout the day whenever necessary. Hold for at least 10 seconds each time.

Seated Spinal Twist 1

Stretches and tones muscles in the waist area (obliques). It also relieves lower back stiffness.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  1. Sit cross-legged on an exercise mat.
  2. Gently turn your torso to the right. Rotate at the waist as far as you can go.
  3. Place your right hand behind you and your left hand on your right knee.
  4. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds.
  5. Gently return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Performance Tips

  1. Turn slowly and avoid jerking your spine.
  2. Make sure to do the exercise with proper posture - back should not be rounded. If you cannot maintain a straight back in this position, try sitting on a rolled up towel.
  3. Continue breathing as you hold the pose.

Seated Spinal Twist 2

This yoga-inspired exercise stretches and tones muscles in the waist area (obliques). It also relieves lower back stiffness.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  1. Sit with your legs straight on an exercise mat.
  2. Bend your right leg and bring the heel as close as you can to your buttocks while still maintaining a straight back.
  3. Gently turn your torso to the right. Rotate at the waist as far as you can go.
  4. Place your left arm around your right knee and gently pull the knee close to your chest. Place your right hand behind you on the floor.
  5. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds.
  6. Gently return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Performance Tips

  1. Turn slowly and avoid jerking your spine.
  2. Make sure to do the exercise with proper posture - back should not be rounded. If you cannot maintain a straight back in this position, try sitting on a rolled up towel.
  3. Continue to breathe as you hold the pose.

Split Leg Forward Bend

This exercise stretches the back of the legs and the lower back.


Exercise Technique
1. Stand with legs apart in a split stance. Both feet should be facing forward. Arms should be in front at shoulder level.
2. Bend forward and swing your arms backward.
3. Hold the stretch for the desired length of time.
4. To come up safely, press your feet into the floor to stabilize your legs.

Performance Tips
1. Narrow or widen your stance by adjusting your back leg if you feel you need less or more of a stretch.
2. If you have adequate flexibility in your hamstrings, lower your head down towards your toes to feel the stretch in the lower back.
3. Bend your front knee if you feel pressure at the back of the knee joint.
4. Easier: Place your hands on your front leg for greater stability.
5. Harder: Clasp your hands behind your back.

Hold stretch for at least 10 seconds.

Standing Pelvic Tilt

This exercise soothes aching lower backs by stretching the tight muscles in that area


Exercise Technique

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart. Come into a squat position by bending your knees and pushing your buttocks backwards. Place your hands on your thighs.
  • Pull belly button toward your spine as you tilt or curl your pelvis under.
  • Return to starting position.
Performance Tips
  • Exhale as you tilt pelvis under; inhale as you return to starting position.
  • When getting into the squat position, pretend that you are about to sit on a stool.
  • When you tilt your pelvis, imagine trying to bring the bottom of your hips toward the middle of your waist


You can do the exercise as a static stretch (hold the pelvic tilt for 15-20 seconds) or as a dynamic exercise (tilt and release for 10 repetitions.

Swiss Army Knife Stretch

This yoga-inspired stretch is called the Swiss army knife because that's exactly what you look like. It stretches the hips, torso and chest.

Exercise mat

Exercise technique

  • Lie down with legs straight and arms at shoulder level.
  • Bend your right knee and twist lower body to the left. Straighten your leg if you want to.
  • Take your left arm to your ear.
  • Look to the right.
  • Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.
  • To get out of the position, reverse the sequence. Look at the ceiling, return your left arm to shoulder level. Bend your right knee. Slowly untwist your lower body and straighten your leg.
  • Do the other side.

Performance tips

  • Move slowly in and out of the exercise.
  • Pay attention to how your body feels. If you sense any kind of twinge in the lower back, do not do this exercise.

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