Shoulder Stretches

Cat Twist

This yoga-inspired exercise stretches the middle and back of the shoulder on one arm while stretching the chest and front of the shoulder on the other arm. It also rotates the spine to stretch the muscles of the trunk.


Exercise Technique

  • Get on your hands and knees.
    Twist your body underneath you and slide your right arm all the way until your face and shoulder are on the mat.
    Carefully rotate the left side of your body upward and extend your left arm behind you.
    Slowly return to starting position by twisting your left side down toward the floor and placing your left hand beside your face. Remove your right arm by twisting the right side of your body upward.
  • Do other side
Performance Tips
  • If it bothers your shoulder when you extend your arm backward, bend your elbow and place your hand at the back of your hips.
  • Move slowly and carefully through all phases of the exercise to avoid hurting your spine or lower back muscles.


If performed as a static stretch, hold for three to five breaths (one breath equals inhaling and exhaling). If performed as a dynamic exercise, do five repetitions per side (exhale as you twist; inhale as you return to starting position).

Front of the Shoulder Stretch

Stretches the anterior deltoid or front of the shoulders.


Exercise Technique
1. Can be done standing or sitting.
2. Bring both arms behind, clasp the hands.
3. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and gently raise your clasped hands upward.
4. Hold for at least 10 seconds.

Performance Tips
1. Avoid jerking your arms upward. Do it slowly and gently.
2. Keep breathing as you hold the stretch.
3. Do this stretch anytime of the day especially after doing computer work or driving.

Do 1 to 3 times

Back of the Shoulder Stretch

This exercise stretches the muscles at the back of the shoulder as well as increases flexibility of the shoulder joint.


1. This exercise can be done while standing or sitting.
2. Bring your left arm across your chest as far as you can.
3. Use your right hand to gently increase the stretch.
4. Hold for the desired length of time.
5. Repeat on the other side.

Performance tips:
1. Stretch only to the point of mild tension in the muscle, not to the point of pain.
2. Keep your shoulders facing front. Avoid rotating at the waist.
3. Remember to breathe normally as you hold the stretch.
4. To increase the stretch even more, bend your left elbow and use your right hand to push your arm backward gently.

Hold for 10-30 seconds.


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