Abs Strengthening Exercises 

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45 Degree Scissors

Strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique:

1. Lie down on the exercise mat with your arms extended beside you.
2. Bring your knees directly above your hips. Extend both legs straight up.
3. Tighten abdominal muscles as you slowly lower your legs to a 45-degree angle. This is your starting position.
4. Continue to maintain the tightness in your abdominal muscles as you slowly lower one leg towards the floor.
5. Bring your leg back to the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg. This is one repetition.
6. Continue in this pattern until you have completed the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips:

1. Do not attempt to lower your legs to the 45-degree starting position until you have tightened your abdominal muscles.
2. Keep your abdominals tight to maintain balance and control all throughout the exercise.
3. If you feel your lower back arching off the floor, take a rest. This means your muscles are fatigued.
4. Beginner Level: To modify this exercise, keep your legs directly over your hips as the starting position. Lower your legs one by one to the 45-degree position.
5. If this bothers your lower back in any way, don’t do the exercise.
6. Variation: Switch legs a little faster.

Do 8 to 10 repetitions

Ab Crunch on Mini Ball

This exercise firms and strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Exercise mat and small rubber ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Place the mini ball behind your shoulder blades.
2. Legs should be hip distance apart with hands behind your head.
3. Pull your waist towards the floor and tilt your pelvis as you curl your torso up.
4. Slowly return to the starting position.
5. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Exhale as you curl; inhale on the return.
2. Avoid clasping your hands behind your head so you don’t pull on your neck.

10 repetitions.

Abdominal Crunch on Floor with Ball

Firms and tightens abdominal muscles

Exercise mat, a basketball, volleyball or any other similar ball.


  1. Lie down with your knees bent and hold the stability ball in your hands.
  2. Take the ball overhead.
  3. Curl the upper body and simultaneously bring the ball toward your knees.
  4. You have two options:
    a. Keep the upper body in a curled position while you bring the ball backward and forward.
    b. Curl up and down.

Performance tips:

  1. When the arms are overhead, make sure that the back of the ribcage is on the floor so you don't arch your lower back.
  2. Keep your shoulders relaxed at all times. There is a tendency to hunch the shoulders when the arms are overhead.
  3. In the curled position, you should be looking at your knees rather than the ceiling to avoid straining the neck.
  4. In option A, inhale as you bring the arms overhead; exhale as you bring the arms toward the knees. In option B, inhale as you curl down; exhale as you curl up.
Do five to ten repetitions.

Ab Crunch with Ball Lumbar Support

Strengthens the abdominal muscles

Exercise mat, rubber or plastic ball. Another option is to use a medicine ball.

Exercise technique:

  1. Sit down with knees bent. Place the ball behind your lower back and lean back against it until your body is in an inclined position.
  2. Hold your arms in front of you at shoulder level with your palms facing each other.
  3. Contract your abdominal muscles and slightly curl your upper body while maintaining contact with the ball.
  4. Return to starting position.

Performance tips:

  1. Exhale as you curl forward; inhale as you return to starting point.
  2. Consciously contract your abdominal muscles to initiate the curl rather than just propelling your upper body forward. As you contract your abs, press your lower back into the ball.
  3. Maintain contact between your lower back and the ball throughout the exercise.


Do 5-10 repetitions.

Abdominal Crunch with Side Bend

Strengthens and tightens the abdominal muscles

Exercise mat

Exercise Technique

  • Lie on your back with knees and feet together and hands behind your head.
  • Curl your torso upward then bend sideways to the right and to the left in a continuous manner.

Performance Tips

  • Focus on trying to bring your elbow to your hip.
  • Move at a moderate and controlled speed.

Do ten to twelve repetitions (one repetition equals bending to the right and then to the left).

Ab Crunch with Straight Legs

Strengthens the abdominal muscles

Exercise Mat
and a belt, rope, stick or rubber band


  • Lie down with legs straight and arms overhead a little wider than shoulder width, holding a belt, rope, stick, or rubberband.
  • Simultaneously bring the arms forward as you curl the upper torso.
  • Slowly lower down to starting position.

Performance tips:

  • In the starting position with your arms overhead, make sure your lower back is not overarching. To be in proper alignment, make sure the back of your lower ribcage is touching the floor while still maintaining a natural curve on your lower back.
  • Initiate the movement by sliding the front of your lower ribcage toward the top of your hipbones. Your arms will follow naturally.
  • Exhale as you curl the upper torso; inhale as you return to starting position.


Do 10-12 repetitions

Abdominal Curl with Partially Extended Legs

Doingthe traditional abdominal curl with partially extended legs makes theobliques (muscles that criss-cross the abdominal wall) work togetherwith the rectus muscle (straight muscle in the middle of the abdominalwall).

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  1. Lie down with your hands behind your head and your knees bent with your feet directly under your knees.
  2. Contract and squeeze your abdominal muscles so your lower back flattens against the mat.
  3. Slowlymove your feet away from you while maintaining the contact of yourlower back against the mat. Stop when you feel you can no longer keepyour lower back on the mat. This will be your starting position.
  4. Exhale as you contract your abdominal muscles to curl your head and shoulders upward.
  5. Hold for a second or two.
  6. Inhale as you slowly lower your upper body down.

Performance Tips

  1. Toprotect your lower back, it is important to only extend the legs as faras you can go while still being able to press the lower back to themat.
  2. If this exercise bothers your back, please avoid doing it.
  3. Purposely contract your abdominal muscles before lifting your head and shoulders to avoid jerking and pulling on your neck.

Do 10 to fifteen repetitions slowly. Rest. Do another one or two setsor choose another type of abdominal exercise for variety. 

Abdominal Rocker

Strengthens the abdominal muscles

Exercise mat

Exercise Technique

  • Lie on your back with your knees together, feet on floor, and arms extended above your head.
  • Lift your torso and lower; lift your legs and hips and lower.

    This is considered one repetition.

Performance Tips

  • The basic variation is the technique mentioned above. For a more advanced version, do a rocking motion. Lift your torso and as you lower it down, simultaneously lift your legs and hips. When you lower your legs and hips, simultaneously lift your torso and so on.
  • Control the excess movement in the spine when you lower your legs by contracting the abdominal muscles (pull your navel towards your spine).

Do ten to twelve repetitions

Abdominal Slide

Strengthens the abdominal muscles without having to do a "curl or crunch" type of exercise.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  1. This exercise needs to be done without shoes but with socks on so the legs can "slide".
  2. Lie down with arms under head, legs together, knees bent, and toes up. Heels should be off the exercise mat and on the floor. This is the starting position.
  3. Contract the abdominal muscles by pulling navel towards the spine so that the lower back is gently pressed into the floor. Maintain this position throughout the exercise.
  4. Slowly slide heels forward until legs are straight with a slight bend in the knees.
  5. Slide heels back to the starting position.
  6. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips

  1. It is important to keep the abdominals contracted and the lower back pressed into the floor as you slide the legs back and forth to protect your spine.
  2. If you do this exercise properly, you will feel a strong contraction in the abs rather than the front of the thighs.
  3. Move slowly - two to three seconds sliding forward and two to three seconds sliding back.

Twelve to fifteen repetitions. Do one or two sets.

Abdominal Sliding Leg Series

This Pilates-inspired exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and quadriceps (muscles at the front of thighs). It has four levels of difficulty.

Exercise Mat


  • The starting position for all the levels of difficulty is lying down on your back with your arms and legs extended straight on the floor. Your arms will be over your head.
  • Level one: Simultaneously bring your arms to the sides of your hips and bend your knees over your hips while keeping your head on the floor. Return to starting position by dropping your bent knees to the floor. As soon as your toes touch the floor, slide your legs straight.
  • Level two: Same as level one except curl your head and shoulders off the floor.
  • Level three: Same as level two except straighten your legs toward the ceiling above your hips.
  • Level four: Same as level three except straighten your legs at a 45-degree angle.

Performance tips:

  • Inhale as you straighten the body on the floor; exhale as you simultaneously move arms and legs.
  • Take care not to arch the lower back when you straighten the body. Keep the abdominal muscles tight so you can keep your lower back steady.
  • Always raise and lower your legs by bending the knees and then straightening them.


Do 5-10 repetitions of the appropriate level for you.

Backward Bend to Ab Crunch on Mini Ball

This exercise firms and strengthens the abdominal muscles. It also stretches the ab muscles and improves the mobility of the spine in a supported position.

Exercise mat and small rubber ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Place the mini ball behind your shoulder blades.
2. Legs should be hip distance apart with hands behind your head.
3. Carefully bend backwards until you can feel a mild stretch in the abdominal muscles. This is your starting position.
4. Slowly curl torso forward while pulling your belly button towards the floor and tilting your pelvis up.
5. Return to the starting position and do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Inhale as you arch backwards; exhale as you curl forward.
2. Avoid clasping your hands behind your head so you don’t pull on your neck.
3. For more advanced exercisers: Place the ball behind your lower back. This will give you a greater range of motion in arching backward and curling forward.
4. Be aware that you may experience a significant degree of muscle soreness the next day due to the eccentric contraction (lengthening under tension or resistance) of the abdominal muscles as you arch backward.

10 repetitions.

Basic Ab Crunch

This classic abdominal exercise strengthens the straight muscle (rectus abdominis) and diagonal muscle (internal obliques). Strong internal obliques help to keep your back strong

Exercise mat

1. Keep your feet about 18 inches away from your buttocks.
2. Both hands behind your head.
3. Initiate the movement by contracting the abdominal muscles to bring the ribcage and pelvis closer to each other.
4. Your head, neck, and shoulders will automatically come up off the floor.
5. Slowly lower to an inch off the mat. Repeat.

Performance tips:
1. You should feel like an accordion -- folding in the middle as the ribcage and hips come closer to each other.
2. Exhale as you execute the crunch; inhale as you return to starting position.
3. Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed.
4. Avoid thrusting your head forward as you start the crunch. Get the power for the movement from the abdominal muscles.
5. Keep your elbows diagonally to your sides -- keep them away from your face – to avoid pulling on your neck.
6. Keep your chin about a fist distance from your chest. If you look up at the ceiling, your head is too far back. If you look at your chest, your head is too far forward. You should be looking through your legs a little below your knees.

Do 15 slow repetitions.

Bend and Stretch on Mini Ball

This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and the quadriceps, muscles in the front of the thighs.

Exercise mat and mini ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Sit and balance on the mini ball with your knees bent, feet on the floor slightly apart and lean back supporting yourself with your hand behind you.
2. Tighten your abs and raise your knees until your calves are parallel to the floor. This is the starting position.
3. Extend your legs by contracting the front of the thighs and by tightening and stabilizing the abs.
4. Return to the starting position.
5. Do the desired number of repetitions

Performance Tips
1. Exhale as you straighten the legs; inhale as you bend the knees.
2. Keep the shoulders relaxed and away from the ears.
3. Thee technique described above is for advanced exercisers.
4. Beginners: Do only step one. Lean back and keep your feet on the floor. This is enough of a challenge for your abs.
5. Intermediate: Do steps one and two. Lift and lower the knees without straightening the legs.

Do ten repetitions.

Bent Double Leg Lower and Raise

Tightens and tones abdominal muscles as well as the muscles in front of the thigh.


Exercise mat

Exercise Technique

1. Lie on your back with your legs bent and raised over your hips.
2. Tighten your abdominal muscles as you lower both legs.
3. Touch the mat with your toes, then raise the legs to starting position.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions

Performance Tips

1. Do not allow your lower back to arch off the floor while you are lowering your legs.Maintain a certain amount of tightness and contraction in your abdominal muscles to prevent your lower back from excessively arching and flattening as you do the exercise.
2. The goal of the exercise is to keep your torso and abdominal muscles stabilized while you lower and raise your legs.
3. Move your legs slowly and deliberately to get the most out of the exercise.
4. Inhale as you lower your legs; exhale as you raise them.
5. You can make this exercise easier by lowering and raising one leg at a time.

Do 10 repetitions

Bent Leg Lower & Raise on Mini Ball

Tightens and tones the abdominal muscles as well as the muscles in the front of the thigh.

Exercise mat and small rubber ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Lie on your back with the mini ball under your pelvis.
2. Bend your legs and raise them over your hips.
3. Tighten your abdominal muscles as you lower both legs.
4. Lower the legs only as far as you can maintain tightness in the abs, then raise the legs to the starting position.
5. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Do not allow your lower back to arch while you are lowering your legs. Maintain a certain amount of tightness and contraction in your abdominal muscles to prevent your lower back from excessively arching and flattening as you do the exercise.
2. The goal of the exercise is to keep your torso and abdominal muscles stabilized while you lower and raise your legs. Lower your legs only as far as you can stabilize your abs.
3. Inhale as you lower your legs; exhale as you raise them.
4. Beginner option: Lower and raise one leg at a time

10 repetitions.

Bent Single Leg Lower and Raise

Tightens and tones abdominal muscles as well as the muscles in front of the thigh.


Exercise mat

Exercise Technique

1. Lie on your back with your legs bent and raised over your hips.
2. Tighten your abdominal muscles as you lower one leg.
3. Touch the mat with your toes, then raise the leg back to starting position.
4. Repeat on the other leg.

Performance Tips
1.Do not allow your lower back to arch off the floor while you are lowering your legs. Maintain a certain amount of tightness and contraction in your abdominal muscles to prevent your lower back from excessively arching and flattening as you do the exercise.
2. The goal of the exercise is to keep your torso and abdominal muscles stabilized while you lower and raise your legs.
3. Move your legs slowly and deliberately to get the most out of the exercise.
4. Inhale as you lower your legs; exhale as you raise them.
5. This is an appropriate exercise for beginners.


Do 10 repetitions alternating from one leg to the other.

The Boat Pose

This yoga-inspired exercise strengthens the abdominal and lower back muscles as well as the quadriceps, muscles in the front of the thighs. It also develops balance. It is called the "boat pose" because your body is resembles a boat while your arms resemble the oars.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  • Sit with knees bent, legs together, feet flat on the mat, and hands beside your knees with your palms facing inward.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and lean backwards as you lift your feet off the mat. Your arms will straighten out in front of you.
  • Keep your back straight as you balance on your buttocks.
  • Keep breathing as you hold the pose for eight to ten seconds.
  • Slowly bring your feet down towards the floor.

Performance Tips

  • Keep your abdominal muscles tight with your back straight as you lean backwards. Avoid slouching. Your abdominals and lower back are working as stabilizers to maintain the position of your trunk.
  • Only lift your feet as far back as you can maintain a straight back.
  • When you get stronger, try contracting the front of your thighs and straightening the legs.
  • This is an advanced exercise. Beginners should avoid it.
  • If you feel any sort of pressure or pain on your lower back or your tailbone (coccyx), avoid this exercise.
Do four to six repetitions (hold each repetition for 8 to 10 seconds).

Criss-Cross Crunch on Mini Ball

This exercise firms and strengthens the abdominal muscles, particularly the oblique muscles that criss-cross the waist.

Exercise mat and small rubber ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Place the mini ball behind your lower back.
2. Legs should be hip distance apart. Place both hands behind your head. This is your starting position.
3. Diagonally curl your torso and simultaneously lift the opposite knee.
4. Slowly return to the starting position and do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Exhale as you curl; inhale on the return.
2. Support your head lightly with your fingertips to avoid pulling on your neck.
3. Stabilize your hips on the mat. Do not allow your hips to lift up as you curl diagonally. Rotate from the waist.

10 repetitions per side.

Dead Bug

Thisfunny sounding exercise (you supposedly look like a "dead bug" whiledoing the exercise) strengthens your abdominal muscles, the front ofyour hip and thigh, and the front of your shoulder.


Exercise mat

Exercise Technique

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on the floor, arms relaxed at the sides of your body.
  2. Lift one foot about 2 ft. from the floor, keeping the knee bent (it will feel like you are marching in place) while raising the opposite arm over your head.
  3. Repeat in a continuous, slow, steady rhythm, alternating arms and legs.
  4. You have completed one repetition when each side has been raised and lowered once.

Performance Tips

  1. Donot allow your lower back to flatten against the floor, instead tightenyour abdominals so that the natural curve in your lower back ismaintained.
  2. Move very slowly to get the full benefit of the exercise and to prevent injuring your lower back.

Do 15 slow repetitions. Rest. Do one or two more sets.

Decline Bench Crunch

An advanced exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Decline gym bench

Exercise Technique

  • Lie on a decline gym bench with your head at the lower portion and your feet on top of the rollers.
  • Contract your abdominal muscles to curl your ribcage closer to your hipbones. Your head and shoulders should automatically follow.
  • Slowly lower your upper body down to the bench.

Performance Tips

  • Use the contraction in the abdominal muscles to start the movement.
  • Avoid jerking head and shoulders forward to gain momentum.
  • This is a small range of motion. Don't expect to curl very high.
  • Avoid this exercise if it bothers you to have your head lower than your body.
  • This exercise is traditionally done with the feet under the rollers and with a full-situp. You will find that by trying this variation, you will have less involvement of the hip flexor muscles and more emphasis on the abs.

12 to 15 repetitions. Rest. Do another one or two sets if you want to.

Diagonal Crunch on Bench

Works the oblique muscles of the abdominal wall. These muscles criss-cross your waist in two opposing layers.

Gym bench and barbell

Exercise Technique

1. Lie down on the bench and hang your legs over the barbell while keeping your feet and knees together.
2. Move your feet to the left side of the barbell but keep your upper body on the bench. Place your right hand behind your head and hold the bench with your left hand.
3. Curl your upper body diagonally in the direction of your feet.
4. Slowly lower down.
5. Do the desired number of repetitions then repeat on the other side.

Performance Tips

1. Start the curl by contracting your abdominal muscles, not by pulling on your neck.
2. Curl and lower your upper body slowly. Avoid moving fast or jerking.
3. A common mistake in the performance of this exercise is to curl upward instead of diagonally.
4. You can also do this exercise on the floor and hang your legs on a gym bench, step bench or chair.

Diagonal Tilt Oblique Crunch

Strengthens the external and internal obliques - muscles that crisscross the abdominal wall.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  1. Lie down with your knees bent, feet together, left hand behind your head and right arm at shoulder level on the floor.
  2. Slightly tilt your knees to the right.
  3. Exhale as you diagonally curl up in the direction of your tilted knees.
  4. Inhale as you return to starting position.
  5. Do the desired number of repetitions. Repeat on the other side.

Performance Tips

  1. Tilt your knees only slightly. Do not let your knees touch the floor.
  2. The movement is a diagonal curl in the direction of your knees not a curl straight upwards.
  3. Do not move any other part of your body as you execute the diagonal curl.
  4. You get the best results if you move slowly.

Do twelve to fifteen repetitions. Do one or two sets.

Frog Kick with Mini Ball

Tightens and tones the abdominal and inner thigh muscles.

Exercise mat and mini ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Lie on your back with the mini ball between your feet and wide knees pulled to your chest.
2. Straighten your legs at a 45-degree angle by contracting your inner thighs and quadriceps (front of the thighs).
3. Return to the starting position.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Inhale when you bend your knees; exhale when you straighten your legs.
2. Keep your core and abdominal muscles tight to stabilize your spine against the mat when your legs are straightened out at a 45-degree angle.
3. Beginner option: Straighten legs to the ceiling.

Do ten repetitions.

Half Roll down with Mini-Ball

This Pilates-inspired exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles.


Exercise mat and rubber or plastic ball. For a greater challenge, use a weighted medicine ball or hold a dumbbell.

Exercise Technique

  • Sit down with knees bent and hip-width apart while holding the ball above you.

    Curl backward by contracting your abdominal muscles.
  • Return to starting position.
Performance Tips
  • Exhale as you curl backwards; inhale as you return to the starting position.

    Initiate the curl backward by pulling your bellybutton toward your spine and not just by making your back round and leaning backward.

    Return to the straight back position by focusing on abdominal muscle contraction and not just by letting your legs pull you forward.
  • For a more challenging variation, try keeping your legs straight all throughout the exercise. Do this only if you have adequate hamstring flexibility to keep your back comfortably tall and straight without bending your knees.

Do 5-10 repetitions.

Half Sit-up with Mini-Ball

Strengthens the abdominal muscles as well as the inner thighs.

Medicine ball (child’s rubber ball or rolled up towel)

Exercise Technique:

  • Sit down with the ball or towel in between the knees and hands under the thighs.
  • On an exhale, lean back by pulling abs towards your spine and simultaneously squeezing the ball with your inner thighs.
  • On an inhale, pull up straight and release tension on the ball.

Performance Tips:

  • Don’t just allow your spine to passively curve backwards. Consciously contract and pull the abdominal muscles toward the spine to create a “scooped” abdomen.
  • Watch that you don’t sink into your chest and allow your chin to touch your chest.
  • To make the exercise more advanced, you can bring your arms straight in front of you at shoulder level

Do one set of 10 repetitions.

Hanging Side Crunch on Bench

Works the oblique muscles of the abdominal wall. These muscles criss-cross your waist in two opposing layers.

Gym bench and exercise buddy to hold your legs

Exercise Technique

  • Lie sideways on a gym bench with your upper body hanging off the end. Place a hand on the floor to get yourself into position.
  • Have an exercise buddy hold your legs down as you keep your upper body in a straight line with the bench and your hands behind your head.
  • Curl sideways in a slow and controlled manner.
  • Return slowly to the starting position.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions then do the other side.

Performance Tips

  • Keep your knees bent and your legs stacked one on top of the other.
  • Make sure that your waist is free to curl sideways by placing your hip at the edge of the end of the bench.
  • Focus on contracting your oblique muscles (visualize bringing the bottom of your ribcage to meet the top of your hip bone) to start the sideways crunch rather than jerking your head and shoulders.
  • Needless to say, this is an advanced exercise that is not appropriate for beginner exercisers.

Do 10 to 12 repetitions on each side. Rest. Do another set if you want to.

Horizontal Scissors on Mini Ball

Tightens and tones the abdominal and inner thigh muscles.

Exercise mat and mini ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Lie on your back with the mini ball under your pelvis.
2. Bring your knees towards your chest then straighten them to the ceiling.
3. Rotate your legs so your heels are touching and toes are pointing
4. Open your legs wide and flex your feet.
5. Bring your legs back together.
6. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Inhale when the legs open; exhale as the legs close.
2. Flex your feet when the legs open; point your toes when the legs close
but keep the
legs rotated with the heels touching.

Do ten repetitions

Letter-V Arms and Legs

This exercise strengthens the chest, inner thighs, and core muscles.

Exercise mat and a pair of dumbbells. Ankle weights are optional.

Exercise technique

• Lie on your back with your legs straight above your hips.
• Hold a dumbbell in each hand, directly above your shoulder joint with the palms facing the knees.
• Simultaneously lower arms and legs halfway between the starting position and the floor.
• Bring your arms and legs back in together.
• Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance tips

• Maintain control of your arm and leg muscles throughout the exercise.
• Avoid jerking or using momentum to raise or lower the weight.
• Maintain a slight tightness in the abdominal area.
• Inhale as you lower arms and legs; exhale on the return.

Do 10 to 15 repetitions

Letter-V Opposite Arm & Leg

This exercise strengthens the chest, inner thighs, and core muscles.

Exercise mat and one dumbbell. Ankle weights are optional.


  • Lie on your back with your right leg and left arm straight above you.
  • Simultaneously lower arm and leg halfway between the starting position and the floor.
  • Bring your arm and leg back in together.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions, then do the other side with your left leg and left arm.

Performance tips:

  • Maintain control of your arm and leg muscles throughout the exercise.
  • Avoid jerking or using momentum to raise or lower the weight.
  • Keep your shoulders and hips stabilized on the mat as you perform the exercise.
  • To maintain control of core muscles, imagine zipping up a tight pair of jeans.
  • Inhale as you lower arm and leg; exhale on the return.

Do 10 to 15 repetitions on each side.

Letter-V Same Arm & Leg

This exercise strengthens the chest, inner thighs, and core muscles.

Exercise mat and one dumbbell. Ankle weights are optional.


  • Lie on your back with your right leg and right arm straight above you.
  • Simultaneously lower arm and leg halfway between the starting position and the floor.
  • Bring your arm and leg back in together.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions, then do the other side with your left leg and left arm.

Performance tips:

  • Maintain control of your arm and leg muscles throughout the exercise.
  • Avoid jerking or using momentum to raise or lower the weight.
  • Keep your shoulders and hips stabilized on the mat as you perform the exercise.
  • To maintain control of core muscles, imagine zipping up a tight pair of jeans.
  • Inhale as you lower arm and leg; exhale on the return.

Do 10 to 15 repetitions on each side.

Oblique Crunch

Strengthens and firms the external and internal oblique muscles that criss-cross the waist.

Exercise mat

1. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on floor, with hands held lightly behind head.
2. Lift one shoulder and upper torso off floor, twisting toward the opposite knee.
3. Return to starting position slowly and repeat with the other side. This makes one repetition.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance tips:
1. Keep elbows away from face to prevent pulling on head and neck
2. Keep the lower back pressed to the floor so hips do not roll from side to side.
3. Contract your oblique muscles to twist at the waist rather than jerking the head and shoulder up.

Do 10 to 15 repetitions twisting to the right and left. Another option is to do all repetitions towards the right, then do the other side.

Oblique Crunch with Mini Ball Lumbar Support

Strengthens the the obliques, muscles that criss-cross your waist.

Exercise mat and rubber or plastic ball. Another option is to use a medicine ball.

Exercise Technique

  • Sit down with your knees bent. Place the ball on the right side of your lower back. Lean backwards against the ball and place your left hand on your left knee for support. Hold your right arm in front of you at shoulder level with the palm facing in.
  • Contract your abdominal muscles as you reach across diagonally with your right arm towards your left knee.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions, then change sides.
Performance Tips
  • Exhale as you curl diagonally; inhale as you return to starting position.
  • Visualize your oblique muscles going across your abdomen and waist in a criss-cross pattern. Focus on moving the bottom of your right ribcage towards the top of your left hipbone.
  • Keep your hips and knees steady as you curl diagonally at the waist.

Do 5-10 repetitions each side.

Oblique Ab Crunch on Mini Ball

This exercise firms and strengthens the abdominal muscles, particularly the oblique muscles that criss-cross the waist.

Exercise mat and small rubber ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Place the mini ball behind your shoulder blades.
2. Legs should be hip distance apart. Place one hand behind your head and the other arm straight by your ear. This is your starting position.
3. Diagonally curl your torso and reach for the opposite knee.
4. Slowly return to the starting position and do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Exhale as you curl; inhale on the return.
2. Support your head lightly with your fingertips to avoid pulling on your neck.
3. Stabilize your hips on the mat. Do not allow the hip on the side of the extended arm to lift as you curl diagonally.

10 repetitions.

Oblique Curls

Shapes the sides of the torso (external and internal obliques).

Exercise technique:

  1. Lie on back, knees bent, feet on floor, with hands held lightly behind head.
  2. Lift one shoulder and upper torso off floor, twisting toward the opposite knee.Do this by contracting the muscles at the sides of your torso rather than jerking the head, and shoulder up.Be careful not to pull on your head and neck with your hands.
  3. Return to starting position slowly and repeat with the other side.This makes one repetition.
  4. When you first start, do only as many repetitions as your strength allows you to.Build to 15 repetitions per set. One to three sets.
  5. Repeat a few times.


  1. Keep elbows away from face to prevent pulling on head and neck.
  2. Move slowly to get the full benefit from the exercise.A common mistake is to move rapidly.
  3. Keep the spine pressed to the floor so hips do not roll from side to side.

One Leg Abdominal Crunch

Strengthens and tightens the abdominal muscles

Exercise mat

Exercise Technique

  • Lie on your back with hands under head and one leg straight, the other bent.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift the straight leg a few inches off the floor.
  • While you hold the raised leg stationary, curl your upper torso.
  • Slowly lower both the leg and upper torso at the same time.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions, then do the other leg.

Performance Tips

  • Raising the leg a few inches off the floor is harder than raising it higher. Choose the height at which you can still maintain control over your abdominal muscles. If you feel your lower back overarching or your belly "popping" out, you need to modify the movement by raising the leg higher.
  • Try the following variation: · Lift the torso first, then the leg. Lower the torso, then the leg.

Do ten to twelve repetitions per leg

One-legged Abdominal Plank

This advanced exercise is excellent for developing strength in the entire abdominal area.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  1. Lie face down on an exercise mat with your elbows below yourshoulders and your toes on the mat. Place one hand on top of the otherso your forearms form a triangle.
  2. Tighten your abdominals and lift your entire body so it is now as straight as a plank and supported by your toes and elbows.
  3. Keeping your torso straight, place the toes of the right foot on top of the heel of your left foot. Hold for ten seconds.
  4. Lower your body to the mat. Rest. Repeat with the other leg.

Performance Tips

  1. If you have never done this exercise before, build your strengthgradually by keeping the toes of both feet on the floor. When you arestrong enough to maintain your torso in this position for ten seconds,you are ready to place one foot on top of the other.
  2. Avoid hunching your shoulders. Keep your shoulders open by pulling your shoulder blades together.
  3. Do not allow your lower back to sag. Keep your abdominal muscles tight.
  4. Keep breathing as you hold the position.

Do three to four repetitions of 10 seconds.

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