Abs Strengthening Exercises

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Seated Ab Skiing

This advanced exercise strengthens and firms the abs and waist.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique
1. Sit with your knees bent and legs together. Pretend that you are holding and balancing a pole in front of you.
2. Lean back and lift your feet off the mat.
3. Keep your upper body motionless while you tilt your knees from side to side.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions.
5. Return to starting position.

Performance Tips
1. Beginners can try the following easier options before performing the advanced level:
a. Keep your hands on the floor so your abs won’t have to work so hard.
b. Hold the imaginary pole but don’t do continuous repetitions. Lean back and do one set on the right and the left. Put your feet down and rest. Repeat.
2. Avoid this exercise if it bothers your back.
3. Place extra cushioning (example: a folded towel) under your buttocks if your tailbone feels uncomfortable.
4. To make the exercise harder, place a weighted medicine ball or dumbbell between your knees.

One repetition equals tilting to the right and left. Do ten repetitions.

Seated Hip Twist w Mini Ball

Works the oblique muscles of the abdominal wall. These muscles criss-cross your waist in two opposing layers.

Medicine ball (though the exercise can also be done without a ball) and exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  1. Sit on the mat and place the medicine ball or any other ball of the same size between your knees.
  2. Lean back using your arms as support.
  3. Take your knees to the right and then to the left in a slow and controlled manner. This counts as one repetition.

Performance Tips

  1. Be conscious of your posture as you do this exercise. Do not allow your back to slouch or your shoulders to hunch up.
  2. As much as possible, keep your shoulders squarely facing front so you get a good rotation at the waist as you twist your hips from side to side.

Do 10 repetitions. Rest. Do another set if you want to.

Seated Knee Raise on Stability Ball

This simple exercise challenges deep "core" muscels in the torso.

Stability ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Sit on the ball with legs slightly apart and hands on the hips.
2. Slowly raise your right knee, put it down, then carefully raise your left knee.
3. Alternately lift both knees for the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Avoid jerking when you raise your knees. Always move with control.
2. Focus on keeping your hipbones steady as you lift and lower your knees.
3. Tighten up deep inside the center of your body to help you stabilize.
4. Exhale as you raise your knees; inhale as you lower.
5. If you feel you need more stability, hold the sides of the ball.

Do 10 repetitions on each leg.

Seated Rotated Twist With Ball

Strengthens the abdominal muscles that cause rotation.

Exercise mat and a ball (options: weighted medicine ball, child's plastic ball, sports ball like a volleyball, etc.)

Exercise Technique

  • Sit down with your knees bent and legs together.
  • Keeping your back straight, reach up with the ball.
  • Swing the ball down to your right side as you lean backward.
  • Bring the ball back to starting position and repeat on the other side.

Performance tips

  • Try to keep your knees together and hips squared facing front as you rotate sideways.
  • An easier modification is to keep the back straight as you rotate sideways. There is less stress on the abdominal muscles and lower back. As you get stronger, lean back more.
  • For a more challenging variation, use a weighted medicine ball.

One repetition means doing the exercise on the right and the left side. Do 8-10 repetitions

Side Plank on Elbows

This yoga-inspired exercise strengthens all the muscles of the torso - the abdominals as well as the lower back.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  • Lie sideways with your elbow directly under your shoulder joint. Your bottom leg should be bent and your top leg straight.
  • Push your body upwards so your full body weight is balanced between your elbow, knee and foot. Raise your free arm straight to the ceiling.
  • Hold this position for eight to fifteen seconds as you continue to breathe evenly.
  • Slowly lower yourself and switch sides.

Performance Tips

  • As you become stronger, straighten both legs in a scissors-position with the ankles crossed.
  • Make sure to hold your head in line with your neck and spine.
  • Do not hold your breath.
  • Hold the position for four seconds and progressively increase as you get stronger.

Beginner Modification
Do only step one of the exercise technique described above. Just holding your torso in this starting position is enough of a challenge for a beginner. Keep your free arm on your hip.

Do sets on each side.

Side Plank with Side Leg Lift

This yoga-and Pilates-inspired exercise firms and tightens the mid-section (abdominals and lower back), shoulders and hips..


Exercise Mat

Exercise technique

1. Lie sideways with your elbow directly under your shoulder joint. Your bottom leg should be bent and your top leg straight.
2. Push your body upwards so your full body weight is balanced between your elbow, knee and foot. Raise your other arm toward the ceiling.
3. Lift your leg to hip level.
4. Lower the leg down to the mat.

Performance tips

1. Do not allow yourself to sink into your elbow. Lengthen your entire upper body diagonally away from the floor.
2. Keep your shoulders relaxed by pressing them gently away from your ears.


If you do the exercise yoga-style, hold the position for three to five breaths. One breath means inhaling and exhaling. Make sure that your inhalation and exhalation are consistent in length and depth.

If you do the exercise Pilates-style, lift and lower your leg for five to 10 repetitions on each side. Exhale as you lift the leg, inhale as you lower it.

Side lying Oblique Leg Lift with Medicine Ball

Strengthens the oblique muscles that crisscross the abdominal wall (as stabilizers) as well as the hips and inner thigh muscles.

Exercise mat and medicine ball (heavy ball) or other substitute.

Exercise technique

  • Lie on your side with your legs together in alignment with your hips and shoulders. The ball can be between your thighs (easier) or your ankles (harder).
  • Rest your head on your right arm and place your left hand in front of your chest on the mat with your palm flat and your fingertips facing your head.
  • Purposely tighten and contract your abdominal muscles before you begin the exercise.
  • Exhale lift both legs off the floor. Inhale as you lower the legs.

Performance tips

  • This is an advanced exercise. Do not attempt this if your abdominal muscles or lower back is weak.
  • If you are strong but have never done this exercise, do it for a few times without the heavy ball.
  • Always contract your abdominal muscles first before you lift your legs to protect your lower back.
  • Avoid jerking. Move slowly as you lift and lower the legs.

Do 10 repetitions on each side.

Stationary Crunch with Mini Ball

Strengthens the abdominal muscles.

Exercise mat and small rubber/plastic ball

Exercise Technique

  • Lie down with your legs bent, feet on the floor while holding the ball with both hands in front of your thighs.
  • Slowly curl your head and shoulders off the floor as you extend your arms forward. This is your starting position.
  • Without lowering your head and shoulders to the floor, bring your arms backwards over your head.
  • Stay in the stationary curled-up position as you bring the ball forwards and backwards.

Performance Tips

  • The changing position of your arms challenges you to stabilize your body by contracting your abdominal muscles.
  • Keep your torso steady as you move your arms back and forth. Do not allow your upper body to lower to the floor as you move your arms backward.
  • Do not hold your breath. Inhale as you bring the arms backward and exhale as you bring the arms forward.

Beginner Modification
Do not use a ball. Keep the arms on the floor by your hips as you keep the head and shoulders raised off the floor. Hold the position for eight to ten seconds. Keep breathing all throughout. Do one to four sets.


Do one set of twelve to fifteen repetitions. You can do another one or two sets if you desire.

Straight Leg Abdominal Crunch

This abdominal exercise variation works the front as well as the side abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis and obliques).

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  1. Lie down with your legs straight and your arms crossed over your chest or behind your head.
  2. Start the exercise by contracting and tightening your abdominal muscles. You should feel your lower back pressing into the mat. The bottom of your rib cage and the top of your hipbones should feel like they are trying to come closer together. Only then should you lift your head and shoulders.
  3. Hold the contraction for a second or two.
  4. Slowly lower yourself to the floor.

Performance Tips

  1. Exhale as you curl up and inhale as you lower.
  2. Avoid lifting your head and shoulders before tightening and moving your abdominal muscles.
  3. Avoid pressing your chin into your chest. Maintain a fist distance between your chin and chest.
  4. This is an advanced exercise. Beginners are better off keeping the knees bent and feet flat on the mat.
  5. If you have lower back problems, avoid this exercise.

Do 12 - 15 slow repetitions. Rest. Do another one or two sets if you so desire. 

Straight Leg Lower & Raise on Mini Ball

Tightens and tones the abdominal muscles as well as the muscles in the front of the thigh.

Exercise mat and small rubber ball.

Exercise Technique
1.Lie on your back with the mini ball under your pelvis.
2. Bring your knees towards your chest then straighten them to the ceiling.
3. Tighten your abdominal muscles as you lower both legs.
4. Lower the legs only as far as you can maintain tightness in the abs, then raise the legs to the starting position.
5. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Do not allow your lower back to arch while you are lowering your legs. Maintain a certain amount of tightness and contraction in your abdominal muscles to prevent your lower back from excessively arching and flattening as you do the exercise.
2. The goal of the exercise is to keep your torso and abdominal muscles stabilized while you lower and raise your legs. Lower your legs only as far as you can stabilize your abs.
3. Inhale as you lower your legs; exhale as you raise them.
4. Beginner option: Keep your knees bent.

10 repetitions.

The Straight Leg Pendulum

This exercise strengthens the obliques.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  • Lie down with your legs straight over your hips and your arms straight at shoulder level on the floor.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly tilt your pelvis to the right. You should feel your left buttock lift from the floor.
  • Slowly bring your legs back to the center and repeat to the other side.

Performance Tips

  • Exhale when moving legs to the side; inhale at the center.
  • Move slowly with control, otherwise, your legs might end up falling sideways.
  • Use the contraction in your abdominal muscles to control the movement of your legs.
  • If you have lower back problems or are a beginner when it comes to abdominal exercises, avoid this exercise.
  • You can modify this exercise to make it easier by placing your legs against a wall.

Eight to ten repetitions on each side.

Straight-Up Abdominal Lifts

Strengthens abdominal muscles.

Exercise mat.

Exercise Technique

  1. Lie on your back with your legs straight up above your hips and your arms straight up above your shoulder joint.
  2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your head, shoulders, and hips off the floor. Focus on reaching straight up with your arms and legs rather than having your limbs curling towards each other.
  3. Hold for a few seconds.
  4. Slowly lower your body back to the starting position

Performance Tips

  1. Exhale as you lift straight up. Inhale as you come down.
  2. Concentrate on reaching for the ceiling with your fingers and toes.
  3. Take two to three seconds to lift up, hold, two to three seconds to come down.
  4. Avoid jerking to lift yourself up. Move smoothly by first tightening the abdominal muscles and getting deeper into the abdominal contraction to lift upper and lower body.

Do eight to ten repetitions.

Supine Front Leg Lift

Muscles Worked:
This exercise strengthens the quadriceps (the muscles in the front of the thighs) as well as the abdominal muscles.

Exercise Mat


  • Lie down with one leg bent and the other one straight.
  • Tighten the abdominal muscles as you lift the straight leg towards the ceiling.
  • Keep control of the abs as you lower the leg.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions. Repeat on the other side.

Performance Tips:

  • Exhale as you lift the leg; inhale as you lower.
  • Make sure that your lower back does not arch off the floor as you lower the leg down.
  • You can wear ankle weights for more of a challenge.

Do five to ten repetitions on each leg

Supine Leg Lift Pulses

Strengthens the abdominals and front of the thighs.

Exercise mat

Exercise Technique:

  • Lie face up with left leg bent and right leg straight.
  • Contract abs and lift right leg a few inches off the mat.
  • Pulse leg up and down a few inches – emphasis on the downward movement.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions. Then do the other leg.

Performance Tips:

  • Keep abs contracted the whole time while performing the exercise.
  • Use short exhalations on the downward stroke.
  • Keep the movement small and controlled.

Do 20 to 30 pulses on each leg.

Suspended Bent Pendulum

Strengthens the abdominal muscles that cause rotation.

Exercise mat

Exercise Technique

  1. Lie down with your knees bent over your hips and your arms straight at shoulder level.
  2. Slowly take your knees to the right side and suspend them halfway to the floor.
  3. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds.
  4. Return to center.
  5. Repeat on the other side.

Performance tips

  1. This is an advanced exercise. It is not appropriate for you if you are new to abdominal exercises or if you have a history of lower back problems.
  2. Keep breathing as you hold the position.
  3. Try to keep your shoulders facing the ceiling and avoid turning them towards your knees.

One repetition means doing the exercise on the right and the left side. Do one to two repetitions only.

Swan Dive on Mini Ball

This Pilates-inspired exercise stretches the abdominal muscles and strengthens the back of the arms, buttocks and hamstrings.

Exercise mat and mini ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Lie face down with the mini ball under your pelvis.
2. Lean on your forearms and lift both legs behind you by tightening buttock muscles.
3. Pull yourself upward by rolling forward on the mini ball and straightening your arms.
4. Return to starting position by bending the elbows, rolling backward, and lifting your legs.
5. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Inhale as you roll upward; exhale as you lower torso down and roll backward.
2. Keep neck lengthened and shoulders away from the ears.
3. Keep buttocks tightened to lift the legs.

Do ten repetitions.

V-sit with Mini Ball Rotation

Muscles Worked:
Strengthens the muscles of the trunk--abdominals and lower back

Exercise mat and medicine ball (this is a weighted leather/rubber ball used for exercise). Alternatives are a volleyball, basketball, or soccer ball


  • Sit with knees bent and together holding the ball with both hands.
  • Lean backward only as far as you can maintain a straight back. The control will come from the tightening of your trunk muscles.
  • Holding the position, rotate the ball from side to side.
  • Do the desired number of repetitions

Performance tips:

  • This is an advanced exercise. If you have weak abdominal muscles, this is not an appropriate exercise to start with.
  • If you have relatively strong trunk muscles but have never done this type of exercise, get in shape by leaning backward without a ball and without rotation. Hold for 4-8 seconds. Repeat a few times.
  • If doing the rotation, do so at a slow controlled speed. Twist your trunk and not just your arms.

One repetition equals the right and left side. Do 12-15 repetitions.

V-Sit with Open Legs

This yoga and Pilates-inspired exercise strengthens the abs and quadriceps (front of the thighs) as well as stretches the hamstrings (back of the thighs) and inner thighs.

Exercise mat

Exercise Technique
1. Sit with your back straight, feet together, knees bent and open. Hold behind the thighs or the back of the ankles.
2. Lean back and balance on buttocks. Lift your feet off the floor. .
3. Contract muscles in the front of the thighs as you straighten your legs one at a time.
4. Alternately bend and straighten legs for the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Ideally, both your back and your legs should be straight as you perform this exercise in the V-sit position. If you can’t do both, emphasize a straight back instead of straight legs. Avoid rounding your back to achieve straighter legs.
2. A harder option is to bend and straighten both legs.

Do five to ten repetitions.

V-Sit and Reach Back

This Pilates-inspired exercise works the muscles of the trunk – abdominals and lower back.

Exercise mat. Mini-ball is optional.

Exercise Technique
1. Sit with your knees bent and legs together. Hold the ball with both hands and arms straight in front of you.
2. Lean back slightly until you feel your abs contract.
3. Reach back with one arm while leaning backwards even more with your torso.
4. Return to starting position.

Performance Tips
1. If you have a history of lower back problems, check with your doctor first.
2. You can do this exercise without the ball.

Do five to ten repetitions on each side. You can do all the reps on one side at a time or you do can do them alternating.

Vertical Scissors on Mini Ball

Tightens and tones the abdominal muscles as well as the muscles in the front of the thigh. This exercise also stretches the hamstrings.

Exercise mat and mini ball.

Exercise Technique
1. Lie on your back with the mini ball under your pelvis.
2. Bring your knees towards your chest then straighten them to the ceiling.
3. Tighten your abdominal muscles as you alternately lower and raise your right and left legs.
4. Do the desired number of repetitions.

Performance Tips
1. Do not allow your lower back to arch as the legs are lowered. Maintain a certain amount of tightness and contraction in your abdominal muscles to prevent your lower back from excessively arching and flattening as you do the exercise.
2. The goal of the exercise is to keep your torso and abdominal muscles stabilized while you lower and raise your legs alternately.
3. Exhale as you switch from one leg to the other.
4. Beginner option: Keep your knees bent.

Do ten repetitions. One repetition equals lowering the right and left leg.

Wall Abdominal Crunch

Firms and strengthens the abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis.

An exercise mat, a wall or bench to lean your legs on.


  1. Lie on your back while keeping your feet on a wall hip-width apart with your knees in line with your hips.
  2. Bring both hands underneath your head with your elbows out to the side.
  3. Start the movement by contracting your abdominal muscles. You should feel like your are bringing the bottom of your ribcage closer to the top of your hipbones. You will feel the lower back pressing against the floor.
  4. Stay in the contracted position for a few seconds.
  5. Slowly lower your upper body down to the mat.
  6. Repeat.

Performance tips:

  1. Avoid using your hands to pull your head and neck forward.
  2. Keep your elbows at the side of your head throughout the exercise. Avoid bringing them in closer to your face as your curl your torso upward.
  3. Move slowly.

Do anywhere from eight to fifteen repetitions. Do one to three sets.

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